This post keep track of what I realized and learned through building GAP. Reason: No mobile printing service at gatech, only mac and windows officially supported, (I guess the reason is they think people using linux can figure it out themselves).

I googled for the info, one I can think of for now is setup the server on android and add printers to the server, and use terminal with busybox tool set (just lpr i guess) to print like on linux. But this comes with a lot of barriers and of course is not the best way to do it.However, For now I should focus on how to make it run first. I should embed busybox into the printing app and make an user interface for the command input later.Also I should make and implicit intent for other apps to launch printing. Later if time allowed, I could do a auto connect to gatech network though their vpn for my user if they are not using gatech internet. (gatech only allows sending print request from inland network). My approach: starting from a open source built CUPS services app. Since there is a server provided by this app through advanced setting. I could configure it with the gatech printer configuration.