Computer scalability and efficiency gives me a lot of thinking in my real life about how to be good when start a company. All this efficiency and scalability that I learned in computer science came across my mind during a shower.

How we could scale things up? In Hadoop, we can use these mid-level even low-level hardware to form cluster to cooperate on some task obeying a master node, in high performance computing/ parallel computing, we carefully design these architecture and algorithm to try to keep every thread/cores at the same page during computing. In GPGPU computing, the parallel computing even happens on a lot of weak threads but still outperform even high-end quadro-core CPU.

All these make me think, it’s not about startup. It’s not about you can perform a really great job in one field, it’s about you first have a vision with strong field knowledge as a backend and you can hire people even “weak” people to perform better task under you “code”/instructions within an architecture. All that matters in the end is your vision, your culture(architecure), your instruction in specific task(code).