Have you ever encounter the addiction to the mobile devices that causes by your attention has to be driven to the mobile device for the some limitation but later you form a bad habit of keep browsing your phone all the time even if there is no more information in there.

To be honest, I’m addicted in some sense when writing this post. Sometimes I feel I have to check the phones to see if someone texted me or sth. This is bad. We are not create new technology to let people get addicted to it in the sense that it keeps driving away your attention from the things that people should focus on in the moment. This is why I think contextual computing can have a good fix of this kind of problems.

We should immerse into the moment in the real world instead of feeling the world through the pixels and sensors of these devices. These devices should detect the needs user has for the moment and deliver the services that fulfill users’ need without driving away the attention from the user. Good example is taking a picture or record a video through Google Glass.

I’m forming ideas for this summer on contextual computing. Send me an emailif you have something in mind and want to work with me.